Flintshire Fabrications Ltd.

Nerse Farm Smithy, Lloc, Holywell, Flintshire CH8 8RD
Nerse Farm Smithy, Lloc Holywell Flintshire CH8 8RD GB

Flintshire Fabrications is renowned for the restoration, conservation and care of historic buildings, structures and objects. We have restored everything from gates, railings and canopies to church bells, weather veins and well covers. Items that have been severely damaged through years of exposure to the weather and have actively corroded or are missing parts/elements or have been poorly restored previously.

Our highly skilled team are experienced in both metal working techniques and traditional engineering materials such as cast and wrought iron. We offer a range of restoration services depending on the type and extent of the deterioration, from surveying and and removal to forging new components, cleaning and painting. Our reputation for sympathetic restoration has enabled us to work on prestigious projects such as the Davies Brother Gates at St Peters Church Ruthin, St Giles Church Wexham, balustrades in Chester Cathedral, railings at Beeston Castle.

Facilities offered
Gallery, Showroom, Offer work experience, Public Demonstrations, Works with schools
IMG_3508.JPG 1 year ago by Clare J
Tudno Castle.JPG 1 year ago by Clare J
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