BABA AGM and Conference 2024

Expressive Metals

20th – 22nd September 2024
Centre for Rural Crafts, Holme Lacy, Hereford, HR2 6LL

Please use this link to book your tickets, food options and t-shirt

We once again return to the Centre for Rural Crafts at Holme Lacy, home to the National School of Blacksmithing for the 2024 BABA AGM and conference, Expressive Metals. We have a busy and exciting programme with lots happening over the weekend, both at the college campus throughout the day and then into the evening at Holme Lacy Village Hall, a short walk from the campus. There will be free camping close by for delegates and catering will be provided and available to purchase along with your event ticket. For those that are not campers, a quick check on google will show several local inns or holiday homes nearby available to book.


  • We have three exciting demonstrators traveling from Australia, Canada & West Sussex to share their knowledge and love of manipulating different metals and materials in expressive ways with you.
  • A forging area with 36 hearths, allowing space for everyone to take part in creating a piece of work with the simple brief “Wearable Iron” over to you to get as expressive as you wish creating something to be worn.
  • Bring your work for The Inner Space Exhibition (details in Artist Blacksmith 174 and in the Newsletter or contact Steve Rook:
  • Show Me How arena where some of those attending are happy to pass on their skills, if you wish to have a slot to pass on a skill contact Shona Johnson:
  • Show & Tell – an informal opportunity to share images of your work and say a few words if you wish. It is always inspirational seeing what other creative makers are doing and hearing the thoughts behind a design or a particular way of forging. Please send 5 images to Pete Hill:
  • Tailgate Sale – bring along any items that you wish to sell or gift.
  • The NHIG (National Heritage Ironwork Group) will have a display on boards of the work currently being carried out alongside examples of traditional heritage ironwork. Members of NHIG will be available to answer any questions you may have.
  • We are continuing to develop and add to the programme so watch this space!!

The Demonstrators

Will Maguire – Australia

Will Maguire trained initially as an industrial blacksmith in Australia, then spent several years as a journeyman overseas, working, learning and collaborating with some of the best smiths in England, USA, Russia, Europe, Ukraine and Japan. Will is currently one of a few contemporary blacksmiths in Australia combining his contemporary designs with traditional forging skills creating innovative practical and sculptural work.

On Will’s visit to the UK he will do a masterclass in Scotland at Ratho Byres Forge on 14th & 15th September, this will be limited to 15 delegates, more info & tickets here (live link to Masterclass tickets). The figurative sculptural piece created will be brought to the AGM & Expressive Metals Conference for everyone to enjoy.

At the AGM Will plans to explore the human form in closer detail and will demonstrate the expressive nature of soft iron by capturing a varied sense of human emotion working at the anvil with fullers and a striker. There will also be a presentation from Will on the work he creates at his forge in the Hunter Valley, New South Wales.

Charles Lewton-Brain – Canada

Charles Lewton-Brain is a master goldsmith. He trained, studied and worked in Germany, Canada and the United States. A world renowned author, educator, artist and former teacher and Program Head at Alberta College of Art and Design, Charles has been recognised globally for his art work, and received Canada’s highest honour for Craft, The Saidye Bronfman Governor Generals Award. He was one of the founders of the Canadian Craft Federation, Canada’s national organisation, and served as President for over two years.

Credited with inventing fold forming, a metal smithing technique recognised the world over as the only new, original innovation in metal working in millennia, Charles will demonstrate fold forming techniques using copper sheet at the BABA AGM. Fold forming uses the metal’s flexibility to make complex forms resembling chased, constructed and soldered shapes. For those captivated by the forms that can be created through fold forming, the techniques that Charles will demonstrate can be transferred to be used in steel allowing the blacksmith the ability to create organic sinews forms not always possible to achieve by forging. This is a wonderful opportunity to add another skill and way of thinking to your own practise as an artist blacksmith. Charles will also give a presentation of his work.

Cara Wassenberg – United Kingdom

Cara Wassenberg is a metalsmith, teacher, and sculptor. Although she is originally from a fine art background, during her career she has consistently developed her skills in metal working. Following an initial introductory year spent at Hereford College of Technology she learnt from craftspeople in Germany, the US and England. She is fascinated by the process and has more recently learnt more about the casting of glass. Her preferred sculptural materials are iron and copper.

Cara will give a power point presentation titled Material, Method and Making Your Way.

In this talk she would like to share with you some of her educational experiences, the places, people, workshops and materials that influenced her and continue shape her work practice today.


“INNER SPACE”- Personal expressions in metal forming: Interior pieces for the home

This is an opportunity to design and make something unique for that ‘inner-space‘, the home interior.

Organized by Steve Rook, initially, this exhibition will take place at the BABA AGM 20th to 22nd September at the National School of Blacksmithing, Holme Lacy, Hereford.

Should you agree, your piece or pieces entered for ‘INNER SPACE’ will then go on to be exhibited at Fire & Iron Gallery in Surrey for the Mole Valley “Arts Alive Festival” one of the biggest community arts festivals in Surrey, comprising around 80 local events taking place throughout October 2024. Otherwise, you may take your work away at the end of the conference.

Please find more information, guidelines and application form here:

Exhibition Information

Exhibition Form

Inner Space Exhibition Guidlines


BABA merchandise is available for members to pre-order for collection only at the Baba 2024 AGM. This is a small run of items, for this event only, future events may have availability for ordering, but nothing in the pipeline at the moment. The pre-ordering system means we don’t end up with surplus stock. Cut off date for orders will be 31st August!

All items will be in black only, with the newly modified white BABA logo embroidered on.

We are now taking orders… please click here to order your merch!


Catering will be provided from Friday lunchtime at an additional cost.  Breakfast and evening meal will be served in the marquee behind the Holme Lacy Village Hall. Lunch will be served at the college campus.  The majority of dietary requirements can be catered for.

See the registration form of catering details and costs.  Please ensure that you book your meals before 1st September 2024


Timing to be confirmed but we hope that delegates will be able to arrive and pitch tents from Thursday afternoon.

Registration will be at the college campus from Friday morning 9am – 12 noon


Camping is free and very close to the college and Holme Lacy village Hall!!  The camping facilities are basic with portaloos in the camping field. There are basic showers facilities available at the college.

A google search will bring up various inns, Airbnb’s local campsites and different styles of hotels locally for those who prefer not to camp on site.


No BABA AGM event would be complete without the keepsake T-Shirt. This is has been designed this year by the talented Stephen Lunn of Red Row Forge, Morpeth. These will be available to purchase at the conference event and on the BABA website when you book your conference ticket. To avoid disappointment order your T-Shirt now and collect at the conference.


Please use this link to book your tickets, food options and t-shirt